feedback escape Please, enter your answers Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Overall, how do you rate the gaming experience from one to five? *★★★★★ 5 - Amazing!★★★★ 4 - Good★★★ 3 - Satisfactory★★ 2 - Mediocre…★ 1 - TerribleRate the images, videos, and overall atmosphere of the game: *Everything is well thought out to create a fantastic and appropriate atmosphereToo exaggerated. Some content was too disturbing and bothered me.Nice atmosphere, but it can be improved.No atmosphere at all. Everything was just ridiculous.Rate the difficulty of the puzzles: *All too easyAll too difficultBalanced: some easier and others more complexOverall, they provided the right level of challengeRate the beauty and quality of the puzzles: *All very ingenious, beautiful, and impactfulBeautiful and intriguingQuite goodNot good at allDid the duration of the game seem adequate to you? *Yes, the time was adequateNo, we would need more timeNo, 1 hour is too muchHow do you rate the game management by the game master? *ExcellentBalancedPoorWould you have liked more help from the game master? *No, the game master helped us too muchNo, the game master helped us when necessaryYes, the game master should have given us more hintsDid you encounter or suffer from any technical issues? *Website too slowWebsite blockedMeeting too difficult to set upZoom too difficult to useDifficult communication with othersVideo problemsAudio problemsNothing to reportOther(Choose one or more)Do you think a cost of $40/50 per gaming session could be adequate for this experience? *Yes, it's an appropriate price considering it can be split among all participants.No, it's too low; it could cost more.No, it's too high; it should cost less.Leave a comment describing what you liked most and least (please be specific): *Feel free to leave suggestions that could improve the experience:Name *FirstLastEmail *Submit